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Common answers to mobile phone radiation
Mobile phone technology is advancing at a dizzying pace, and what seem like scientifically-sound solutions may actually be compounding the problem. By understanding the principles of mobile phone radiation claims, consumers can evaluate the best protective products on the market. Continued

Why do some studies still question the danger?
Calling mobile phone use safe will earn a quick correction from many doctors. Medical and technology experts are quick to acknowledge at least a possible relationship between brain-tumors and mobile phone radiation. So why do so many studies still seem to dance Continued

Is there an increased risk to children?
Its common to see a small child playing with a smartphone or tablet. Considering the alarming studies on possible dangers from mobile phones, do children face a bigger risk than adults in an environment saturated with wireless signals? The basis of the …Continued

Have the Mobile Phone Companies Acknowledged the Danger?
Apple, Motorola, Samsung, and RIM: combined estimated net worth of $530 billion. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile: combined estimated net worth of $321 billion. That close to a trillion dollars worth of companies that do not want you to stop Continued